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Whether you run a one-person business or have a dedicated staff of marketing specialists, the construction industry has its own special obstacles. It’s crucial to keep your marketing strategy on track so your competitors don’t scoop up all the local employment due to the risks of the task or competition with other businesses for larger projects. What then can your construction company do to differentiate itself? Here are 5 marketing strategies for the construction industry to out-build and out-book your rivals.
The construction industry is one of those where phone conversations are essential. Your leads won’t contact you if there are too many barriers, whether it’s a local homeowner asking for assistance remodeling their kitchen or a large development corporation looking for a construction firm to take on some larger projects.
Whether your ad is displayed on a Google search, a billboard on the street, or a flier at the neighborhood grocery store, your well-managed phone number should be closely associated with the name of your business to attract as many calls as possible.
When I typed “building companies in Toronto,” these ten results up right away. All had phone numbers associated with their listings, but only Sula Valley’s was prominently displayed in the upper left corner of their website
Did you know that, according to Blue Corona, 30% of consumers won’t consider a company that doesn’t have a website and that 63% of customers primarily utilize a contract company’s website to identify and engage with them?
Construction marketing success depends on having an appealing, uncomplicated, and simple website that enables your leads to obtain the information they require without feeling overwhelmed or turned off.
Since videos account for one-third of all online activity and that they help businesses grow organic SERP traffic by 157%, it is obvious that using videos as part of a marketing strategy is essential. This is especially true for a sector like construction that relies heavily on visuals. Why not showcase the amazing things that frequently come out of construction projects through interesting video content?
Another excellent technique to offer your brand individuality is through video. A entertaining company culture video showcasing the distinctive personalities of your staff, a timelapse movie of the building process, or a video showcasing your projects could all help humanize your business and expand your audience.
As an example, I would like to present this video produced by the MYFA video production team for the Canadian Home Kitchen Inc.
When marketers for the construction industry hear the word “blog,” they might conjure up images of food bloggers, fashion bloggers, or even business blogs. But a “construction blog” can’t possibly exist, can it? The answer is that it’s not just “a thing,” but also a really clever and persuading technique to foster trust and attract new clients.
Blogging about construction-related issues can increase your knowledge credibility while also improving the quality of your website, which will increase organic traffic and improve SEO. Really, the advantages of a strong instructive blog for building marketers are unlimited!
By partnering with a company that is comparable to yours to perform some cross-promotion and expose your construction company to a completely new market, you can really step up your construction marketing efforts.
So which companies are the best to co-market with? So, consider your intended audience. Where do they shop elsewhere? What further requirements are there? A few guidelines for creating solid alliances that can result in successful co-marketing efforts are as follows:
establishing these connections with related brands but not with direct rivals
confirming that the brand with which you partner has a respectable (if not sizable) audience.
working with a business that you can assist in some way.
The dream is made possible by teamwork!
We are so excited to learn about all the new jobs that come your way once you put these advice into precise now that you know all of our construction marketing insider tips! Comment below and let us know how your construction marketing efforts are going.
Blogging about construction-related issues can increase your knowledge credibility while also improving the quality of your website, which will increase organic traffic and improve SEO. Really, the advantages of a strong instructive blog for building marketers are unlimited!
MYFA assists business owners and entrepreneurs defining and finding their desired and planed positions in the market.